Experience. Resources. Proven Strategies.

The attorneys of FairWorld Legal Firm

We Help Car Wreck Victims In Texas

At FairWorld Legal Firm, we proudly represent Texas clients who have been injured because of other drivers’ negligence. With only one lost case in more than 13 years in the practice of law, founding attorney Freddy Bodman has a wealth of experience in handling injury cases.

“We do not defend big corporate interests or work for insurance companies. We are strictly a plaintiff’s firm with a focus on helping regular people like you who have been injured by someone else’s negligence on the road.” – Freddy Bodman, founding attorney

From our office headquarters in Dallas, we take pride in assisting our clients with their case from beginning to end. When someone’s negligent driving harms other people, that driver should be the one shouldering the financial burden.

Lawyers from our law firm represent motor vehicle accident victims in personal injury claims that involve:

  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Bus accidents
  • Commercial vehicle accidents
  • 18-wheeler trucking accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Drunk driving accidents
  • T-bone accidents
  • Highway accidents
  • Rollover accidents
  • Distracted driving accidents

Accidents Involving Auto Defects

We also handle cases that result from defective vehicles, including air bag defects, tire defects, rollovers, roof crush cases and General Motors defects. When the cause of an accident is traced back to the manufacturer, it increases the potential recovery for the accident victim.

Distracted Driver Accidents

As the pace of life in this country seems to just keep increasing, people are multitasking in their cars to a much greater degree than in the past. We handle cases involving accidents that are caused by:

  • Cellphone use while driving
  • Texting while driving
  • Eating and drinking while driving
  • Other distracted driving habits

Don’t Deal With The Insurance Company Alone – Contact Us

After an accident, insurance companies call victims and try to get them to say things that will weaken their claims or lawsuits. One of the benefits of working with FairWorld Legal Firm is that we take care of the insurance company agents to protect our clients’ interests. Before you give a statement on the record or sign authorizations from an insurance company, give us a call.

We offer free initial consultations, with evening and weekend appointments as well as home, office and hospital visits available upon request. Please contact us by calling or toll-free at to schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer from FairWorld Legal Firm.